How Different Residential Roofing Materials Can Help Keep Your Home Safe

January 25, 2021

There are more options and materials available for residential roofing than ever before!  New techniques, materials, and technology continue to make roofs better and safer – which is vital if you want to protect your family from threats such as weather and fire. If you’re looking at installing a new roof – whether on a new construction …

Vertical Siding Options That Improve The Look Of Your Home

January 18, 2021

In our opinion, vertical siding has gotten something of a bad rap over the years.  While it’s true that vertical siding used to occasionally have some issues with leaks or tearing, those problems have been remedied for a long time.  Today, there are vertical siding options which are just as sturdy and effective as horizontal siding, while often saving money on …

Are Your Windows Old Or Drafty? Residential Window Installation Provides Long-Term Benefits!

January 11, 2021

When is the last time your windows were replaced?   Good windows can last for many years, beautifying your home inside and out, but nothing lasts forever.  Over time, older windows can become stained, cracked, develop leaks, and start causing other problems.  In some cases, you can do patch jobs to extend their life – such …